I am dog-sitting for my Son....This is his dog..."Bella"....she is really SWEET!..and now....
banana bread, biscuits, bread sticks, cinnamon rolls, colverleaf rolls, croissants, crumpets, date bread, french bread, french toast, hard rolls, honey buns, hot cross buns, italian bread, jewish rye, macaroni, melba toast, muffins, onion bread, potato bread, pumpernickel,raisin bread, rolls, rye bread, scones, toast, white bread, whole-wheat bread.......
tomatoes, red and sweet
innocent colors of exotic fruits
running after rainbows
wooden beads
raspberries picked in the garden
traveling first class on a train
a barn to make love in
overnight camp picnics
rain barrels
making plans
bamboo birdcages
twenty shades of green in a tree
basically happy people
letting your hair dry in the sun
driving alone
songs of the meadowlark
a timid tiger
kidnapping your lover
cathedral ceilings
wild cherries
Hope everyone has a "Spring-like" Friday....and a warm weekend ! I am getting ready to go to the post office...and the thrift store!
Labels: Happy Things/ Friday