This helicopter went back and forth so many times yesterday...so low....everytime it went over it shook the house....Andy went outside and snapped this photo. I am not complaining...this helicopter is carrying water to a forest fire that broke out yesterday near the little town of Kelsey....September and October are the most dangerous months for forest fires in California....after the long HOT Summer... before the first rain everything is so dry.....the firefighters in this area do a excellent job!
cool picture. Fire season is scary. love you honey
Fires are so scary. We have three burning down in SoCal but thankfully none near us.
great camera shot...great job for our firefighters. i agree fire season IS scary...not something i am used to for sure. the fires scare me more than a tornado although i know with everyone here it is the opposite yet fires are still scary too. looking forward to the rains to chase the fires away. love ya vic
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