Sombra has already posted this on his blog...He knew that I loved he was so sweet to send me this copy of his original!!! Pretty awesome huh!!!! I am lucky to have him for a friend!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
Thats a really cool pic. I know you really like it,,so colorful! Good to have friends right Girlie?
Love that artwork. Its the colour values in it that are good. Love your Santa's fairy as well.
ah these are amazing, how nice that he sent you a copy of the second one as well. He is a very special person that I feel blessed we have him in our lives.
p.s. all of YOUR art is amazing as always,you astound me miss Vicci...and a quilt too...can't wait to see it! For some reason I didn't realize you sewed, in which case we MUST do a quiltie swap, I know you love swaps!
Hi Vicci~
This piece seems to be a representation of Sombra as an angel!
Would you agree?
Or a dude fairy! Are man fairies still just fairies? I truly don't know the wordage...
I always thought of boys being elves, and girls being faeries, but what do I know?
Whatever this is called it's an amazing collection of colour and composition.
There are SO MANY talented, gifted people in this bloggie world! Is there no end to this? These are beautiful!!
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