The Rules are:
1. Grab the book nearest to you...no cheating!
2. Open to page 123
3. Scroll down to the fifth sentence.
4. Post text of next 3 sentences on to your blog....name the book and the author. Tag 3 people.
I think it could be said that in the last decade of her life Teresia was in her old age. I do not know if elephants become senile. Teresia always seemed to have all her faculties intact.
Taken from...."INTIMATE NATURE" The Bond Between Women and Animals. This is a collection of many different stories about animals written by (just to name a few)...Dian Fossey...Jane Goodall...Barbara Kingslver...Susan griffin...Marge Piercy....etc.
I now TAG.....Maryellen.....Beth.....and Daisy........
Just dropping in to say hi :) I've been reading up and loved your hutch and artwork.
YAY!!! The hutch is home,,and your going to have that baby shining! And I can see some of your awesome art show cased in those glass cabinets. Ok,,I am getting you back,,I tagged you. I was tagged twice,,your on the first tag!
Love U Girlie!!
I love that art work....it says it all!
Vic this card is so Way Over the Top FUN FUN FUN.
New rules: don't ever tag me again or I'll run away from home. Just kidding. Beth tagged me too, as you know, because she tagged you too.
Can't wait to read your 5 wierd things.
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