The Arrival
We made it back!!!!! Safe and sound! The hutch is in the art room...WHAT A DAY !!!!!!! Button and Becca picked us up at 10 am...we thought we'd make it back by noon....HA!!! When I looked at the time it was 3pm...and that was only the beginning...Andy and I did manage to get that hutch into the art room....and inch it into place...that sucker is HEAVY!!!! Now my REAL job is about to begin!!! Clean the mess....I got up early this morning and cleaned the hutch with furniture polish... cleaned all the glass with windex...
I even took cu-tips and cleaned in all the grooves...NOW...S-L-O-W-L-Y...I am working on it....doing laundry....I also need to go to the grocery store am back and forth from doing things in the house...then the art room...on...and on! I'll get it done!!! It will drive me crazy until it's finished! I just have to learn patience...patience! patience! HELP!!!!

woohoo, it's yours!!! It seems to fit as if it belonged in your studio. I know the daunting task of revamping ones creative space, I didn't have the heart to take any before shots of mine.(it was BAD). even so, it will be very gratifying once you have everything in place and the new hutch filled with treasures!!!
Everytime you photograph that hutch I become more envious of it, lucky you. Isn't it great though when you have a new piece of furniture to store things in and you just can't wait to clean and polish it and then fill it with things.
So glad to see the purchase in the house. But like you said yourself "now comes the hard part" deciding what goes where in it. To me (the organization queen), it would be nothing but fun to organize your studio, but I know I am the wierd on in that respect. Anal retentive, minimalist, order freaks are the rare birds has been my experience in life. I'm working on my second ATC. Beth wants to trade to, and Jungle Jane asked if I'd be into being on her "selling art" site. Haven't seen the site yet. But anything is better than e'bay as far as I'm concerned. E'bay is just too huge.
Yeah! It is wonderful and I can't wait to see what you put in it!!!!
If you ever get tired of it your twin could use it! Giggle
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