The Boys are Back!!!!!!

My cat is home! Feeling lousy...but he will get well! He had an abcess...the girl at the Vet's said it was the biggest one she has ever seen...poor baby! I must give him antibiotics three times a day..flush the tube out with betadine three times a day...put warm compresses on his wound three times a day....put vaseline around the tube areas to keep them from sticking to his skin. He must keep the collar on until Monday..that's when he goes back to the vets to get the tube removed.
The most important thing...give him lots of love...which is EASY! The poodle is helping me take care of him....he lets me know when Shaquille gets up and starts moving around...he also checks on him often and gives him's really sweet. I'm just happy to have the "old guy" back home...speaking of "old guys" Dad is home from the coast! He had a really good time, even brought some seashells back for's good to have my Dad back also...
That is one humdinger of a wound Vicci. Glad to see the Shaq on the mend.
Oh poor Shaq,,,I know it will be easy to give him lots of TLC,,poor baby. I bet you got a nice little bill for all that too,,but if your like me,,it was well worth it.
Your Toby sounds like my Lady. She is a keeper of Carl,,but probably a little more bossier than Toby. She lets little Carl know when she isn't happy,,she gets a Yoda Look,,and shows her teeth,,lol. But she has never hurt Carl. Aren't animals fun? You will get your little Kitty soon,,and so glad Dad is back from the coast,,and brought you seashells,,how sweet!
Ouch! Your kitty looks so much like Amanda's Keya.
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