I am going to take a day of solitude...quiet...and refelection ....In Lancaster PA. they are burying the little Amish girls who were killed on Monday...
I was born and raised in Lancaster...I am very familiar with the Amish people and their way of life....my heart aches for them....Much closer here at home today my heart is also heavy. October 5th... 4 short years ago ....we lost my precious nephew Adam...He was only 16 years old...my sister's only child..All of us MISS HIM so much....If I had only one wish...I wish people would learn to live in Peace and Harmony...and be Kind to each other. I am going to reflect upon my family today...each and every one of them... how much I Love them...and how thankful I am.....
I find I have no words....just hugs.
Thank you honey, it is a sad day..........
Oh,,I sure feel for you,,and I feel for the Amish too. Such wonderfully kind people,,and they have no bitterness,,
I will leave you to your silent remembrance day. Have a peaceful one.
Ohhh I agree 100%. So sad.... we have a HUGE Amish community here -- it's subdued there this week....
yes, and I called tina just to tell her I love her and was thinking of her and john...such precious people to have such a hard blow hit them...adam is still with us though...all we have to do is feel his presence. (((HUGGS)))
I'm late to comment but I feel as you do....more kindness is needed in the world.
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